A picture of Adam Mann

Hello, I'm Adam.

(front-end developer)


Typing Blitz Typing Blitz

Typing Blitz

An arcade-style typing game built using React and React Bootstrap. The game generates random words using the random-words library.

Technologies: React, React Bootstrap, CSS Modules, random-words, react-compound-timer, react-highlight-regex, Context API w/ Hooks, SASS/BEM, Netlify

React Super Store React Super react-super-store-mobile

React Super Store

An e-commerce project using React, Context API w/ Hooks, Bootstrap, and the Super Store API.

Technologies: React, Super Store API, Context API w/ Hooks, Bootstrap, SASS/BEM, Netlify

Background Blender Background Blender

Background Blender

A background blend mode sandbox that pulls random photos from an external API and blends them with a specified color.

Technologies: React, HTML / SASS, Lorem Picsum, Netlify, Figma

Name Diviner Name Diviner

Name Diviner

An app that uses 3rd party API data to make (remarkably inaccurate) predictions about a person based on their name.

Technologies: HTML / SASS, vanilla Javascript, Axios, agify.io, nationalize.io, Last Name Origin, Netlify, Heroku, Figma

About Me

I live in the SF East Bay

I'm looking for a job in Front-End Web Development

Self-taught, self-managing. I know Javascript and am familiar with Python

Main hobbies: cooking, climbing

I've been a librarian for 8 years and am looking to become a web developer

Slider photos

Looking for a resume? Click here


Wanna hire me?

Get in touch at aemann2@gmail.com